Homicide by Vehicle While DUI - Improper Speed
We hired an accident reconstruction expert to show the police improperly calculated the speed at 35mph over what our client was actually traveling. Read On
When people call us, one of the questions we always get is: have you handled a case like mine? While no two cases are alike, there are a lot of similarities.
Here are some real-life examples of results we got for our clients. When you read the results you will notice five things:
(1) We know the law.
(2) We know our way around the courtroom.
(3) We are not afraid to put the police to the test.
(4) We know how to win.
(5) We fight for you by doing whatever it takes to help your situation. We hire experts. We file motions. We try cases. Whatever it takes!
Remember: cases that get thrown out will also save you the license suspension.
We hired an accident reconstruction expert to show the police improperly calculated the speed at 35mph over what our client was actually traveling. Read On
Our client was found not guilty of aggravated assault while DUI after presenting an accident reconstruction expert report. Read On
Our client was arrested after he left a bar, got into his car and decided to "sleep it off" because he was in no condition to drive. After filing pre-trial motions, all charges were dropped and our client won his chemical test refusal appeal. Read On
Our client was sleeping in his car and a blood test showed he had a .192% blood alcohol content. The charges were thrown out because we showed our client was not driving or operating his car even thought the engine was running. Read On
Our client was charged with DUI after sleeping in his car with the engine running, headlights on, and an open bottle of vodka on the passenger's side. All charges were dropped after the court granted our motion because our client was no driving the vehicle. Read On
Mike Sherman Law is committed to answering your questions about DUI defense, homicide by vehicle while DUI, aggravated assault while DUI, homicide by vehicle, CDL defense, driving while on a DUI suspension, blood or breath tests refusals, and criminal defense law issues in Pittsburgh.
We offer a free consultation and we’ll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.