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What Happens When You Are Caught Driving While on a DUI Suspension?

Accused of Driving on a DUI Suspension?

Find Out How You Can Avoid Jail Time for Driving on a DUI Suspended License!

You can fight the charge! 

When you get a suspension for a DUI offense, your license becomes DUI suspended and remains DUI suspended until you get your license restored. Even if you are serving a suspension for a non-DUI related offense when you get your DUI, once you get a DUI suspension you are considered “DUI Suspended.” That means every time you are caught driving on a suspended license, you are considered “DUI Suspended” even if your DUI suspension didn't start.

The Penalties are Steep!

It's Pennsylvania. There's no bus service. You have to get to work or pick up your child, so you are driving on a DUI suspended license. The stakes are high because the penalties are so severe. The penalties for driving on a DUI suspension are sometime more severe than the actual DUI offense.

Driving on a DUI suspended license carries a mandatory minimum sentence of imprisonment for not less than 60 days nor more than 90 days, and a $500 fine. For a second offense, the penalty is a mandatory minimum 90 days in jail and a $1,000 fine. The penalty for a third offense is a misdemeanor! If it is your third driving on a DUI suspension offense, you are looking at a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of not less than 6 months in jail and a $2,500 fine!

The bottom line is this: you could end up with a criminal record just from driving with a DUI suspended license. For example, you may have taken the ARD disposition. You have no criminal record but if you get three driving under suspension convictions because you never got your license back, you will then have a misdemeanor conviction. That means you will have a permanent criminal record just for driving without a license!

Besides jail time, driving on a DUI suspension carries an additional license suspension of at least one year and possibly longer if you have prior DUI suspension convictions. Rely on former Pennsylvania State Police attorney Mike Sherman, an experienced license suspension defense attorney, for advice.

Don't just plead guilty and get ready to go to jail. Call Mike Sherman an experienced driver's license lawyer who is ready to thoroughly analyze your case and tell you what defenses are available.

If you are facing a serious charge, don't delay. Often, you don't have to go to jail. Call now to set up your free consultation at (412) 471-5000


The table below summarizes the penalties for a Driving Under DUI Suspension conviction:

1. First Offense

  • Summary
  • $500
Minimum Prison Sentence
  • 60 to 90 Days
Additional License Suspension
  • 1 Year

2. Second Offense

  • Summary
  • $1,000
Minimum Prison Sentence
  • Not less than 90 Days
Additional License Suspension
  • 1 Year

3. Third or Subsequent Offense

  • Misdemeanor 3
  • $2,500
Minimum Prison Sentence
  • 6 Months
Additional License Suspension
  • 1 Year

Take Action Now!

There is a lot at stake if you have multiple driving under DUI suspension charges, but there is hope. Former Pennsylvania State Police attorney Mike Sherman has helped Pennsylvania drivers in their Driving Under DUI Suspension cases and often gets the charges reduced or dismissed.

When the stakes are high, get the experienced attorney who isn't afraid to fight for you. Call Mike Sherman now.

What if I am caught driving on a DUI suspended license and I have alcohol or Drugs in my system? What if I refused the chemical test?

If you are caught driving on a DUI suspended license and you have alcohol or drugs in your system, or you refused chemical testing, the penalty may be tougher than the DUI penalty alone! If you have .02% of alcohol or drugs in your system, or you refused chemical testing while driving on a DUI suspended license, the penalties are steep. For a first offense, there is a mandatory minimum jail sentence of not less than 90 days. For a second violation, there is a mandatory minimum 6 month jail sentence. For a third or subsequent violation, you are looking at a mandatory minimum jail sentence of not less than 2 years in state prison and a $5,000.00 fine! 

The table below summarizes the penalties for a Driving Under DUI Suspension conviction if you have a BAC of .02% or higher or drugs in your system, or you refused the chemical test:

1. First Offense

  • Summary
  • $1,000
Minimum Prison Sentence
  • Not less than 90 Days
Additional License Suspension
  • 1 Year

2. Second Offense

  • Misdemeanor 3
  • $2,500
Minimum Prison Sentence
  • Not less than 6 months
Additional License Suspension
  • 1 Year

3. Third or Subsequent Offense

  • Misdemeanor 1
  • $5,000
Minimum Prison Sentence
  • Not less than 2 years in state prison!
Additional License Suspension
  • 1 Year

What Can Mike Sherman Do for You?

Whether its challenging the legality of the traffic stop, questioning the cops, or negotiating plea deals, Mike Sherman fights for your rights. You have options. Don't throw in the towel! It may be possible to have your driving under a DUI suspension charge DISMISSED or REDUCED to a lesser offense. Or we may be able to get alternative sentencing options like house arrest. With an experienced attorney, you stand a much greater chance of success in court. Naturally, no one can “guarantee” the result. But, we have successfully challenged many driving on DUI suspension charges and our clients have been thrilled with the outcome. Call us for a free consultation at (412) 471-5000.

What is the Mike Sherman Difference?

Mike Sherman has unique experience and knowledge in driving under suspension cases that he uses to protect his clients.
  • Mike Sherman is a former attorney for the Pennsylvania State Police. He knows both sides of the law and uses that knowledge to benefit his clients.
  • Mike Sherman wrote “the” Pennsylvania textbook on Pennsylvania DUI law, Driving Under the Influence Law and Practice, and he regularly teaches other lawyers how to defend cases.
  • Mike uses a scientific method to investigate your case. Relying on his deep understanding of forensic science and the law, he picks apart the evidence against you and looks for errors he can challenge. He then carefully prepares your case to highlight these issues and puts you in the best possible position.

If you are facing a driving on a DUI suspended license charge, don't delay. Call PA DUI suspension attorney Mike Sherman now to set up your free consultation at (412) 471-5000.

Contact Us Today

Mike Sherman Law is committed to answering your questions about DUI defense, homicide by vehicle while DUI, aggravated assault while DUI, homicide by vehicle, CDL defense, driving while on a DUI suspension, blood or breath tests refusals, and criminal defense law issues in Pittsburgh.

We offer a free consultation and we’ll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
